Programming for Interactive Multimedia
Midterm Project


Make a short interactive movie of the theme of your choice. Topic suggestions include a portfolio of your work, a biography of a person or fictional character, or a short animated cartoon, an interactive art piece, a game (beginning elements of a game), or an interactive story. This project can lay out the groundwork for a bigger final project, or you can make this projects small yet complete in itself and tackle something different for the final project.


Your movie must include

Things to Remember

Focus on the architecture and the scripting of the movie. Most of the sections in your movie should be one frame long: the focus is on using Lingo not using the score. The above elements are required, but you get to decide how you want to put it all together. Presentation is important, and you should definitely put thought into the aesthetics and layout of the piece, but I'd suggest you use placeholder images at this phase.

Half of the grade is based on your project working. Make sure it at least does that. In programming working is what matters.

Just including all of the required gives you an *average* grade. Above average grades will be given for going above and beyond the call of the requirements. I will award extra credit for creativity and cleverness of you concept.

This project is worth 20% of your grade. Don't blow it off!