Computer Programming for Interactive Multimedia

Columbia College, Chicago
Spring 2002 Syllabus

Tuesday 12:30 -- 3:20 pm, Room 418 (Academic Computing 35-2501-01)

Instructor: Schuy (sky) Jewell,, 773-752-6266

Course Policies

Course Description and Objectives:

This class will introduce students to basic computer programming concepts and the multimedia authoring environment. Using the programming cycle of design, implementation, and testing and debugging, students will learn about control structures, branching and decision-making, developing reusable code, writing functions and procedures, as well as structured flow. Students will develop a vocabulary that will allow them to talk to multimedia programmers. They will also develop enough programming skill to begin to author their own basic multimedia projects. At the end of this class students will:


Foundations of Computer Applications or permission of Department Chairperson. Students new to multimedia design must have a working knowledge of Mac operating systems as well as Adobe Photoshop TM (or other comparable programs). Macromedia Director 8 TM is the foundational program for this course.

Grade Policy:

Students' grades will depend on the TIMELY completion of all homework assignments and readings, lab exercises, tests, a midterm project, a final project, attendance and participation in the following percentages:

You will lose one letter grade for every week an assignment is late. If a student has any emergencies or difficulties in completing an assignment, THEY SHOULD CONTACT ME AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. My e-mail is NO EXCUSES!

Grades will be awarded using the standard grading scale:


Attendance to all classes is required. Part of your final grade will be determined by class attendance. If a student misses a class section, it is the student's responsibility to make up any work missed. More than three absences will result in an 'F' (failure). Lectures will be held at the beginning of class so you must be punctual. Two late arrivals equal one absence.


If a student finds they will not be able to hand in a midterm or final on the scheduled day, it is the student's responsibility to notify me prior to that day. Under no circumstances will I accept the work if I have not been notified and arrangements made prior to that day.


Lecture must be interactive. To this end, I encourage an open atmosphere where back-and-forth communication is the norm. Students are free to speak up when they need clarification or wish to make observations. Always let me know if you are having difficulties mastering a technique presented in class and I will help you. Plus, you will be expected to work several hours outside of class time each week. You will not be able to finish your assignments during class!


Homework assignments will be collected at the beginning of class (when attendance is taken). Any homework not turned in at this time will be marked late. Points will be deducted from late homework. There are several labs at Columbia available for students to use outside of class to complete homework assignments. Lab schedules for this semester are: ¨

What to take next:

The following courses are recommended upon successful completion of this class:


There will be 4 tests throughout the sesmester that will start prompty at the beginning of class. You will not have any projects or assignments due on Test Days. I will curve the tests if necessary.

Required Textbook: (available at the College's bookstore,, and most major book stores)


Web Resources:


Course Outline

This schedule is subject to change!! Please feel that you have a say in the tempo and the extent to which material is covered.

Week 1









Class Introduction, overview of the facilities.
Setting memory partitions
Introduction to the Director Multimedia Model:
Director windows and architecture
Creating a new movie
Creating bit maps for cast members (Paint, text and vector)
Setting registration points
Basics of the Score and Stage window architecture
Simple animations with Sprites
Cast/Movie Properties
Using help

READ: Chapter 8 to page 294, Director Demystified
BRING next week: YOUR OWN IMAGES TO USE WHILE FOLLOWING THE DEMOS. Have them saved in pict or tiff format.

Week 2



Introduction to LINGO scripts and algorithmic thought
What is Object Oriented Programming?
Continued Intro to Director
Memory management (cast member size, etc)
Preparation of cast members in PhotoShop
Importing media
Exchanging cast members
Adding transitions, sounds
Lingo basics for interactivity ? Buttons
Inserting and Using Markers


Week 3


Animation techniques ? paths, recording motion, etc.
Film loops
Creating a projector
Continued Introduction to LINGO
Understanding message hierarchy


    • Mouse messages

    • Rest of Chapter 8, Chapter 9 to page 328 : Writing scripts

Week 4


More interactivity with buttons ? visible and invisible
Using the Library Palette and Behavior Inspector
Message Window plus Built-in Functions and Properties

READ: Rest of Chapter 9


Week 5







LINGO Vocab: Events and handlers
Commands, Arguments, Keywords
Statements and Expressions
Constants and Mathematical Operators
Understanding Condition and Status
Control Structures:

    • If/Then
    • If/Then Else
    • Nested If statements
    • Case Statements

READ: Chapter 11 to page 422, Chapter 12, pp. 468-491
Handlers, Variables and Constants, Expressions and Operators Control Structures, If-Then Structure, Concatenation, Built-in Functions: Time, Date, Random, Mouseclick, MouseLoc, ClickLoc


Week 6

Creating Custom Handlers
Variables: Local, Global

Review Chapter 9: Defining Functions, Keywords

Week 7


MIDTERM Assignment Due - Critique

Creating user-Defined Functions
More Lingo and sound
Quicktime and Digital Video

READ: skim Chapters 15, 19



Week 8

Shockwave ? preparing work for the web
Web based Lingo

READ: Chapter 5

Week 9

Movie in a Window (MIAW)
Creating and Modifying Menus
Discuss Final Projects

READ: Chapter 11 p444-447: Menu Commands, 13

Week 10

Working with Lists, Working with input and output arrays

READ: Chapter 16, 21

Week 11

More about Object-Oriented Programming, Parent/Child
Objects, Parameter passing, Hierarchy and Inheritance (Ancestor)

READ: Chapter 18


Week 12

Work in class on final projects.


Week 13

Work in class on final projects.


Week 14

Work in class on final projects.


Week 15





Make a short interactive movie of the theme of your choice. Topic suggestions include a portfolio of your work, a biography of a person or fictional character, or a short animated cartoon or narrative.

Your movie must include an opening page, a menu of sorts including at least 4 buttons/links, at least 4 linked sections in the body, a return to menu button, A final page, and an exit button. That makes for at least 7 pages ? or sections ? all together. Also, it is required that you make some use of transitions, fades, custom handlers, and motion (animation).

Final project

Complete an interactive movie of the theme of your choice. Again, topic suggestions include a portfolio of your work, a biography of a person or fictional character, an e-zine, or a short animated cartoon or narrative. The content is your choice.

Your movie must include:

The quality should be on the level of what you might hand in to a design house during a portfolio review.

The length - well, this is hard to say. Minimum of 14 sections - though exceptions will be made if there is more heavy scripting in fewer sections. You are welcome to build on your midterm assignment.

Hand in both a project file and a finished projector to me.

Digital Supply Sources

Helix 310 S. Racine (for slide duping, processing, and digital prints), 312.421.6000

Calumet 520 W. Erie (for photographic supplies, equipment), 312.440.4920

Central Camera 230 S. Wabash (for used equipment, photo supplies ? has student discount) 312.427.5580

Film Division 676 N. LaSalle (for slide developing, duping, and inkjet prints ? ask about student discount) 312.642.3362

Gamma 314 W. Superior (color and digital prints) 312.337.0020

Lab One 1001 W. Adams 312.243.9899

Image Studio Ltd. 223 W. Erie St, Suite 6NE (outputting large scale B&W film negatives from digital files, drum scanning, and color printing) 312.944.2600

Best Buy 1000 W. North Ave (zip disks, VHS tapes, etc) 312.988.4067

Elek-tek 175 W. Jackson Blvd (software and resources) 312.541.9000

Micro Center 2645 Elston Ave (computer supplies ? zip disks, recordable CD's, etc) 773.292.1700

MacMall 1.800.222.6227

Mac Warehouse 1.800.255.6227

Paper Source 232 W. Chicago Ave (alternative papers for inkjet printing) 312.337.0798

New York Central Art Supply largest stock of fine art papers, 1.800.950.6111

Pearl 225 W. Chicago (paper and general art supplies) 312.915.020

Utrecht Second floor, Champlain Bldg. (zip disks, watercolor paper, etc.) 312.629.6506

Pricewatch: ? to find the best prices on computer supplies

David Adamson Editions (Washington, DC) Fine Arts Iris prints, 1.202.347.0090 ? ask about student discount

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