Columbia College Chicago
Programming for Interactive Multimedia I

Review for Test 1

The test will have three(3) sections. Here are the concepts and terms you need to know, and examples the types of questions that I may use to test what you know. The quiz will NOT include ALL of these!


--Understand these terms. There are definitions and examples in Chapters 1,2 and 8 in your book, as well as on the two online articles (1, 2) on programming.

Director terms:

Property Inspector
Behavior Inspector
Text Inspector
Paint Window
Vector Window
Text Window
Field Window
Script Window
Control Panel 

Programming Terms

Low-level Languages
Machine language
Assembly language
High-level languages
Object-oriented programming (OOP)
Simple sequence structure
Selection structure
Repetition structure

Director score animation terms

cell animation
real-time recording
step recording
film loops

I. The Director interface & Score animation

--You will identify elements of the Director interface from a screen shot so spend some time using Director or look at your book.

Ex. "circle channel 5", or "What window is arrow # 2 pointing to? Or "Draw an arrow pointing to the place where you would place a frame script"

--And or you will be asked to list certain elements

Ex. List two of the four "Inspector" windows in Director

--or you will be asked to match the type of animation with it's definition

II. Programming concepts (refer to the programming readings)

---You'll get something like


Put the following problem solving steps in order (1-first 6-last)

____ Evaluate the solution

____ Identify alternative ways to solve the problem

____ Identify the problem

____ List instructions that enable you to solve the problem

____ Select the best way to solve the problem

____ Understand the problem

Answer: 6 3 1 5 4 2

--and/or a short answer question


If you wanted the computer to perform the same task 10 times in a row what kind of programming structure would you use?

Answer "repetition structure" (or loop would be okay)

--and/or you will get a fill in the blank definition


____________________ consist of English-like abbreviations and require a program called an __________ to translate it into machine language.

Answer: assembly languages, assembler

--and/or you will be asked to list certain elements

Ex. List two object-oriented programming languages

III. First Pass at Lingo

--refer to the "Scripts you should know" page; that's the only code I will ask about

--You will be asked to fill in the missing code.

Ex. send the playback head to a marker named "Pluto"

on mouseUp me

end mouseUp

Answer: go to "Pluto" (remember the quotes for markers, and remember marker names are case sensitive!


Ex. pause the playback head

on exitFrame me

end exitFrame

Answer: go the frame

Extra credit possibilities:

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