The nurse-midwives at the University of Chicago are committed to providing personalized, high-quality care while managing normal pregnancies. They are receptive to individualized birth plans and are willing to use alternative birth procedures. Typically, their obstetrics patients are women in good health who have no reason to anticipate problems during pregnancy and who prefer minimal medical intervention during labor and delivery. If it becomes medically necessary, their patients have access to highly-trained specialists in maternal-fetal medicine and neonatalogy. In addition to their advanced nursing degrees, the nurse-midwives are certified through the American College of Nurse-Midwives and recognized by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. To make an appointment with a University of Chicago certified nurse-midwife for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, or general gynecologic care, call (773) 702-6118 or 1 (888) UCH-0200. SPECIAL PROGRAMSWe offer several special classes for expectant families, including a maternity unit tour, infant CPR and safety, Lamaze childbirth preparation, infant care for new and expectant parents, and beginning breastfeeding. FOR MORE INFORMATIONFor more information about our certified nurse-midwives or about our office locations:Certified Nurse-Midwives |
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Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
Send questions and comments about this page to ljewell@babies.bsd.uchicago.edu. Please note: We do not answer on-line medical inquiries.